Personal Sponsors/Donations

Visual Example of the WRTC Challenge Coin

WRTC Supporter Coin Programme

This is your opportunity to obtain this attractive collector’s coin – ideal for displaying in your home in recognition of your support to WRTC 2026. The attractive bronze coin is available for all individual donations of £100 or more up to the end of 2024.

We will ship your coin to you wherever you are in the world. All donations received to date that meet this criteria will automatically qualify for a bronze coin.

Don’t delay to get on the list for one of these unique, memorable coins.

Donations of £5,000 and above qualify as a VIP individual sponsor and will receive: a unique certificate signed by all WRTC competitors and referees (presented at the closing ceremony) and special behind the scenes access as a VIP on a station site tour.

£5,000 and above

Tim Duffy, K3LR
Chick Allen, NW3Y
Lew Sayre, W7EW
Olof Lundberg, G0CKV

£1000 and above

Felipe Hernández, NP4Z
John Crovelli, W2GD
Martin Atherton, G3ZAY
Otis Vicens, NP4G
Jeff Steinman, N5TJ
Doug Grant, K1DG
Dan Street, K1TO
Bud Trench, AA3B
Kamal Sirageldin, TI5/N3KS
Rich DiDonna, NN3W
Trey Garlough, N5KO
Boyko Iliev, LZ1QN
Bill Conwell, K2PO
Rick Tavan, N6XI

£500 and above

Kazunori Watanabe, M0CFW / JK3GAD
George Fremin, K5TR
Andrew Blank, N2NT
Rus Healy, K2UA
Stewart Baker, G3RXQ

£250 and above

Dave Farnsworth, WJ2O
Stewart Cooper, G4AFF
John Warburton, G4IRN
Allen Zimmerman, K3WGR
Bob Wilson, N6TV
David Hodge, N6AN
Richard Dievendorff, K6KR
Chris Janssen, DL1MGB
Scott Wright. K0MD

£100 and above

Daniel Craig, N6MJ
Mike Gilmer, N2MG
Holger Wilhelm, DL9EE
Ulrich Ann, DM5EE / ZR2A
Mikael Larsmark, SJ2W
Jeffrey Briggs, K1ZM
John Linford, G3WGV
Larry Banks, W1DYJ
Iain Haywood, G4SGX
Glenn Johnson, W0GJ
John Dorr, K1AR
Larry Hammel, K5OT
Taro Asao, JA1BJI
Dave Pascoe, KM3T
John Sluymer, VE3EJ
Nate Moreschi, N4YDU
Michael Wetzel, W9RE
Jim Cessna, KB8N
Todd Bendtsen, VE5MX
Steven London, N2IC
Paul Hyde, G4CSD
Steve Walters, K3SW
Dave Lawley, G4BUO
Chris Hurlbut, KL9A
Sandy Raeker, DL1QQ
Andree Schanko, DL8LAS
WRTC 2022 Winning Team VE3DZ and UW7LL
Lubomir Slavoff, OR2F
Greg Ordy, W8WWW
Alexander Avramov, LZ4AX
Donato Cardarelli, IK2EGL
Manfred Wolf, DJ5MW
Dafydd Walters, M0WDV
Manos Chalaris, SV1DAY
Anja Janssen, DO2WW
Bob Evans, K5WA
Albert Crespo, F5VHJ
Nick Henwood, G3RWF
Bruce Frahm, K0BJ
Dave Johnson, VE7VR
Dan Handa, W7WA
John Comella, N8AA
Dana Roode, K6NR
Bob Evans, K5WA
Valentin Kurtovic, DL4VK
Gert Meinen, PA3AAV
Hiroshi Imaie,  JM1CMA
Thomas Andersen, OZ1AA
Fred Regennitter K4IU
John Harden W4NU
Bob Kile W7RH

Up to £100

Alexey Chigarkov, UR5ECW
Keith Haynes, G3WRO
Yosuke Sato, JJ1DQR / G1DQR
Joe Fitzgerald, KM1P
Charles Morrison, N1RR
Corliss Kimmel, AL1G
Dez, G3WW
Jim Carter, G0LHZ
Timothy Carter, K1DC
Whitney Carter, K1EO
Edward J Polack, K8IV
Thomas Roscoe, K8CX
Martin Bayes, AA1ON
Tom Haavisto, VE3CX
Marco Holleyn, DJ4MH
Hildebrand Krisztian (Chris), HA5X
Adrian Zeffert, AB2IX
Randy Thompson, K5ZD
Tom Wylie, GM4FDM
Glenn Petri KE4KY
Dave Heumann N7NR
Lee Finkel KY7M
Dick Frey K4XU
Al Rovner K7AR
John Miller K6MM
Jim Mueller N7AUE
Eric Silverthorn NM5M
Fred Hoffert NA2U
Joy Rabins N6GO
Denny Sahovic KX7M
Joe Metas WB6JOE
Victoria Afonina K6XDX
Larry Taylor KF6JBG

Would you like to be a sponsor / donate?

WRTC 2026 UK owes its existence to the unwavering support of our generous donors and sponsors.