WRTC is an international event held every four years that brings together teams of Amateur Radio contesters to compete against each other on a level playing field. The 2022 event was held in Italy last weekend (a year later than scheduled due to COVID) and previous events have taken place in Germany, Brazil, Finland, Russia, Slovenia and USA (three times).
On behalf of the UK organising committee, we’re delighted to be able to announce that we have been awarded the rights to host the event here in the UK in 2026. We’ll be inviting around 50 international teams of two people to come to the UK in July 2026. Most of those teams will gain a right to compete through their success in a number of qualifying contests between October 2023 and March 2025.
We also expect many visitors to attend the event, so this will be an amazing social occasion for all of the international contesting community as well as being the most intense test of the competing teams’ operating skills. We’ll build a competition environment which will give them the opportunity to use equivalent sites and antennas scattered across East Anglia in order to compete fairly and evenly amongst themselves in the usual 24 hour intensive operating marathon.
We’ll be adding more details to our website www.wrtc2026.org and social media feeds as our plans develop.
International reflector –
We look forward to welcoming you to the UK in July 2026.
UK reflectors –
Making this event a success will require a large cast of volunteers. A sincere ‘thank-you’ to those of you who contacted us with expressions of interest earlier in the year. Your support and interest was pivotal in us having to confidence to make the commitment to run this amazing event. To those of you who have already been in contact, we’ll be in touch as we develop our plans further. To those of you who are now excited at the prospect of volunteering for the event – please drop us a mail at [email protected]
The WRTC2026-UK Organising Committee (M0DXR, M1ACB, M6YGL, G0DWV, G0MTN, G4BWP, G4PIQ, GW4VXE, 2M0SQL, G7VJR)