Qualification Standings updated

The qualification standings have been updated with the results of the 2024 CQ WPX CW contest.  Qualification Standings This update also includes some score changes so that the following qualification rule is reflected: 5.4: If an operator’s call sign appears for more...

WRTC UK 2026 Tent Sponsorship Programme

We are pleased to announce details of the opportunity to sponsor a tent at WRTC 2026 in the UK.  We have 50 teams and therefore 50 tents are available. Of the 50 total tents, 42 of these are by QA (Qualification Area), 4 for Youth, 1 for the returning...

Qualification Standings Scoreboard Live!

We’re pleased to share the results of the first qualification event CQ WW SSB 2023 on our WRTC scoreboard now accessible at https://www.wrtc2026.org  Please follow the link that has been added to the  ‘Competition’ menu from...

Selection Criteria Update

Following the publication of the WRTC 2026 Selection Criteria, the WRTC 2026 Organising Committee has received feedback and suggestions for rule amendments from the contesting community. We thank everyone for their input and their continued passion for WRTC. We...

WRTC 2026 Selection Criteria Announced

The WRTC 2026 Organising Committee is pleased to announce the Selection Criteria for entrants, which is now published on our website https://wrtc2026.org Also available online are some Questions and Answers and a video explaining our reasoning and aims. We have...

Announcement – WRTC 2026

WRTC is an international event held every four years that brings together teams of Amateur Radio contesters to compete against each other on a level playing field. The 2022 event was held in Italy last weekend (a year later than scheduled due to COVID) and previous...